


Our interest in history is rooted in the concept of perspectives. So we may explore perspectives we look at other things. We look at concepts like continuity and change, cause and effect, evidence,  empathy, significance, and contestability. – Dr. John P. Elcik, IV

In the News

We rejoice in the accomplishments of our family, so we love to share the news.


A growing collection of obituaries for our ancestors. We transcribed each obituary into editable text and attributed each to its source. The goal is to make it convenient to find and read obituaries. They are often scattered in obscure locations and rendered in different formats: Images, PDFs, Word. Each transcript gets a thorough spelling and grammar check because we care.

Life Stories

MyCousins is committed to helping our cousins share family history regardless of format: books,  DNAobituaryphotospoetry, or stories. All are welcome.  We categorize some items submitted as of general interest. We organize others are by family surname so readers can readily find them.


Our goal is to preserve the truth of the historical story for generations to come. Thus, we have gathered, sorted, and preserved as many traditional sources as possible.

We Have Traveled Far

A history of the Elcik family from the 1880s to 1940, by Dr. John P. Elcik, IV.