
Genealogy Forum

Users must subscribe separately to the forum. Registration with family Projects (with its protected content) is not a requirement to join in the conversation.

Your reasons for researching your genealogy are unique. There are no professional genealogists here. If you desire to know more about your family’s history, have hope of uncovering a famous relative, and a sense of responsibility to future generations, you are in the right place.

This is also the right place to learn about the technologies that have generated an explosion of interest in charting family histories.  The digitization and availability of documents online and the ready availability of genetic testing to determine the geographic origins of one’s family are but two of these.  Join us in conversation and enjoy!

Forum topics include DNA, genealogy vs. family history, nominations for ancestry profiles, record sources for genealogy research, discussions about genealogy technology, and website feedback. Or submit your own.


The MyCousins website intentionally uses a minimalist design to focus attention on the story’s text and photos. The font for the text is called Merriweather.  Both text and photos are slightly larger than used on commercial websites.  A companion flash drive exists for those that want printable copies of documents, sources, or photos.